Exploring the Different Types of e-File Providers: A Guide for Tax Professionals
As a tax professional, understanding the various types of e-file providers can enhance how you
manage electronic filings for your clients. Each type plays a unique role in the tax filing
1. Electronic Return Originator (ERO): EROs are the front line of e-filing. They are
authorized by the IRS to e-file returns directly for taxpayers. This group includes tax
professionals, accountants, and tax preparation businesses—making it the most common
and accessible e-file provider.
2. Transmitters: These are the entities that take on the task of transmitting tax return data
directly to the IRS. Transmitters primarily serve EROs and tax professionals, providing a
crucial link in the chain of tax filing.
3. Software Developers: These providers develop and maintain the software that prepares
and transmits tax returns. They must ensure their software complies with IRS
specifications and pass rigorous testing requirements. For tax professionals, choosing the
right software is vital for ensuring efficient and accurate e-filing.
4. Intermediate Service Providers: Acting as a bridge between EROs (or taxpayers) and
Transmitters, these providers process tax data received from EROs and forward it to a
Transmitter. They play a pivotal role in ensuring data accuracy and security before it
reaches the IRS.
Understanding these roles not only helps in selecting the right service providers for your practice
but also ensures compliance and efficiency in your e-filing processes. Whether you're a seasoned tax professional or new to the field, a clear grasp of these categories will aid in better service
delivery to your clients.